Sunday, September 11, 2011

simply me and I suppose self-indulgent

I am part old lady because of my love of...

cleaning house
vintage aprons
trivets and knick-knacks
oil lamps
robes and slippers
house coats
costume jewelry
long walks
flowers and gardening
yard sales
an early bedtime

I am part intellectual because of my love for...

books of all kinds
long pauses
thinking, constantly thinking,
always looking for a new way
sometimes being way too serious
considering the possibilities
analyzing art

I am an educator because...

I love to share
every moment is teachable
I love to learn
it is the lighting of a fire
I can't imagine doing anything else
discussing art is gives me goosebumps
there is no better way for me to express my theatrical side
seeing a child's pride in their art and them self is magical

I am a party girl because of...

my love for live music
an uncontrollable urge to dance
my love for good beer
an ability to slam a shot (most of the time)
my small collection of wild high heels
a desire to stay out until last call
a need to get everyone in on the fun
my love for bar tricks and flair
the fact that in my heart I will always want to bartend

I am a child because of...

my laughter at stupid jokes
telling stupid jokes
taking very little seriously ;)
my love of play
living for the moment

I am a sucker because...

I would do anything for someone I care about
I spill my guts far too easily

I am an artist because...

I spill my guts far too easily
I can't resist a pen/crayon/pencil and paper
of the smell of etching ink
of the way slip feels
the possibilities are endless
without it I am not

I am what I am.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Ten things I am currently really excited about in no particular order

1. our wedding
2. the feel of two 3" binders of curriculum that I wrote!
3. Gabe (oh wait, I am always excited about him)
4. Bird coming to visit
5. seeing my niece again
6. the Printmaking class I am starting soon
7. the new Death Cab for Cutie album that I am planning on purchasing
8. planning a birthday surprise for my bestest
9. Watching Iris cuddling with Greg in the morning while he's snoozing away
10. the lavender hydrangea in our garden

so many things to be excited about and thankful for.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

my kind of art

The Middle School kids recently went to the MET and when they came back a colleague told me about this show... Willie Cole. Are those shoes? Yes, yes they are. Can't wait to get into the city to see it!

Also, there's a big show coming up of German Expressionist prints at the MoMA. It's all about the prints reflecting the political and social climate. I'm not super savvy on such things, but I love the idea that art has so much of an impact on what is/was going on in the world.

ALSO! In June the manfriend's band will be playing the American Visionary Art Museum's annual gala ball! the theme this year is "What makes us smile". It's going to be a fun event. People get dressed up crazy and the party is in a huge warehouse part of the museum. They even have a John Waters painting in the exhibit! If I ever get married I want it to happen there most likely. It probably costs a zillion dollars though. Either way I look forward to the event.
Check out the site very cool stuff. The whole idea behind the museum is supporting and promoting artists without training.

Now to take my training forward! Samples will have to do for right now, especially with Empty Bowls coming up. Just made two bowls out of recycled fabric, an almost basket-making technique. It's a little bit of a pain, but kind of meditative at the same time. An example I found on the web below...

A video on how to make fabric out of dissolvable fabric.

So many options! Just trying to think of options that aren't just clay. Not that it's JUST clay, but it seems like the go to solution. I have three grades working in clay, one in yarn and flower pots, two in bisqueware, one in molds, one with melted records, and one in the above and recycled magazines.

all of these things.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

idle eyes

Is it bad to be always wanting more? Or does that just lead to a life of dissatisfaction and regret?

Battling the balance between living contently and aspiring to more.

Things I want for my life...

Go back to school
Remain close to family and friends
Explore new places
Have a good sense of history
Make art
Learn new things... cooking, hiking, knitting, welding, building, gardening and more...
Write a book
Stay grounded
Become a Master Teacher
Teach at a college
Own a Home
Have a studio
Go back to Italy
Move back to Baltimore and be a part of the culture and community there

so many things... sometimes I feel like life is just rushing by and I'm not getting anything done. It all keeps moving and moving. My family is growing all the time now that everyone is having babies and I am excited for my sister to have her first child and simultaneously terrified. I want to be by her side to help her the whole time but she lives so far away. At the same time, though, I am happy here and know in my heart it was the right decision for me.

more, more, more. Billy Idol I know how she felt.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


gertrude stein.

A sentence felt way laid
A sentence without a horse.
It is a mend that to distribute
with send
A sentence is in a letter
ladder latter
Birth with birth.

Invert these feathers
I want skin made of cookware
a pastry face
turn out these voids
shaved into smooth fragments.
sugary thighs
twisted like lipstick over a mirror
I wrote this message
into your palm, tongue-quiet
full of crumbcake.

what a muse. I have made three ink drawings so far... more to come shortly. The sabbatical from making has ended. Now back to the verse too.

The school year has been inspiring, despite the expected frustrations. So many new ideas with lessons, methods, art, experinces. Feeling less drained and more rejuvenated. Soon it will be time to start traveling again.

California, Boston, Oregon, Cape May, DC

all of these things.

Friday, July 30, 2010


I looked back at all of my lists and I have included typewrites several times. Is it time to invest? Or is it just nostalgia and my love for antiques...

I'm almost done with my second summer at Glaze and I have definitely experimented with 'craftier' projects. I have mixed feelings about it, because I really prefer to focus on art history and creative problem solving. The way I look at it though is I am in some ways promoting the DIY movement. I really tried to incorporate reused/upcycled materials.

The project featured above we used pringles containers to create a bracelet!
Below we used puzzle pieces for best friend necklaces and then old clothing and wooden beads to create a necklace. I feel pretty good about the results and there still was some choice in these projects. Next summer I want to go further into the history of jewelry and use that as a basis for the skills.

On another note in the same vein... I also just finished teaching an adult mosaic class and my students created some amazing designs and translated them beautifully to tiles. I have been looking at mosaic artists more closely and who knows... this may be a new path for me. I am also really interested in translating my love for collage into jewelry.. one day at a time. I love, love love this work and this as well. I know some of it is very trendy and kitschy right now but it is so beautiful. I would love to incorporate hand made tiles as well. Overall I think I need to just make instead of writing about it here.

More later.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Is it strange that I can't wait for this man to ask me to marry him and yet signing a 2 year contract for a phone family plan freaks me out? I kind of figure I want the big commitment before making all of these little ones? I guess moving to another state is not really a little one though.

We started putting together furniture for my NEW classroom this fall on Sunday. I could not be happier, really. Unless everything was done and put together and my curriculum was polished and ready to roll. Soon enough I suppose.

One thing at a time, one foot in front of the other. I wish this ring finger would stop itching too.